Wednesday, November 15 · 2 – 4pm
Insights, tips and examples for family historians. Why the source document may be vital to your research, by Julie of Syston & District u3a
When the transcript is not enough: Why the source document may be vital to your research
Transcripts can be a very useful tool in researching your family history, at one time scans of the original records were rarely available online. If you couldn’t get sight of the original or a microfiche of it, it was all you had. However, times have changed, online scans are being added to family history sites on regular basis.
We will look at where the transcripts can fail us and why this matters. This will be illustrated through a number of examples. Hopefully, if you didn’t already know, you will understand that there are times when the transcript is not enough.
This talk is the second of three talks hosted by Julie Johnson of Syston & District u3a. The next is on Wed 13 December at 2pm and can be booked via the u3a online events webpage.
This event is for u3a members only.https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/family-history-when-the-transcript-is-not-enough-tickets-717673660237?aff=oddtdtcreator