Fun mathematics with Platonic solids

Wednesday, January 17, 2024 ยท 10am – 12:30pm

Meeting from 10am to 12.30pm, which includes an hour away from Zoom to tackle the activities.

About the Event: The Platonic solids have been an important part of our history for thousands of years. In this two-part session we will get to know these solids through mathematical activities suitable for all.

After introducing the activities in the first half an hour there will be an hour break for you to tackle the activities on your own before returning together for us all to share our approaches and solutions.

This is a revised session based on valuable feedback from the September 2023 session on Platonic solids, covering the more accessible parts.

About David: Dr David Martin is the National Subject Advisor for Mathematics and Statistics. He a retired mathematician and mathematics educator. He has been a mathematics researcher, teacher, teacher trainer and external examiner. In retirement he enjoys working with the retired to engage and reengage them in mathematics.

This event is for u3a members only.
