History – Modern European

Modern European History from 1500

This group deals with topics of interest from the period of European History beginning with the Renaissance and Reformation.

While for the first few years of the Group, members progressed in chronological order starting with the Italy of the Borgias, da Vinci and Michelangelo until the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet bloc, we now look at subjects from all over the period and in no particular order, according to the suggestions and wishes of the Group.

Recent sessions have, for example, focused on France in the 16th century, Great Britain during the Reign of George III, the Thirty Years Was in Germany (1618-1648) and the modern history of the three Baltic States (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia)

Meetings are held in the afternoon of the fourth Monday of each month at a member’s house.

Group leader – Richard Baker

History Modern European Contact Form Below
