
Events Comments and Suggestions Form – Click on this Link

Welcome to the Membership page of the Epsom & Ewell u3a

Hopefully you have explored our website, so you know we offer a wide range of activities and special interest groups for you to enjoy and live life to the full.

We look forward to you joining us.

The annual membership fee covers participation in most group activities, depending on venue, as well as free entrance to our monthly meetings with speakers.

We also organise outings, theatre trips, concerts and special events as well as holidays at additional cost.

The membership form has a tick box if you would like to receive the ‘u3a Matters’ magazine free of charge. This is published five times a year.

Our membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March and there are various membership options available.

Our current fees are shown below:

Individual member£15.00
Joint members (2 members at same address)£30.00
Associate members (already members of another u3a)£11.50
Associate joint members (already members of another u3a)£23.00
Individual members joining between 1st October and 1st March£7.50
Joint members joining between 1st October and 1st March£15.00

How to join
To join, please download and print the Application Form and send to the address on the form with your remittance.


Our preferred method of payment is by bank transfer, the details for payments are as follows:

Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account name: U3A Epsom and Ewell
Sort code: 30-93-08
Account No. 00495923
Reference: Your name

If you are paying by cheque, please make your cheque payable to:

U3A Epsom and Ewell

Please send your application form by post to the address on the form.

Click here for the Membership Application Form


Renewal invitations are sent out in early March. You can either:

•pay by bank transfer to:
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account name: U3A Epsom and Ewell
Sort code: 30-93-08
Account No. 00495923
Reference: Your name and membership number
•or send a cheque payable to U3A Epsom & Ewell to:
Membership Secretary, 37 Grafton Road, Worcester Park. KT4 7QQ

Your new membership card will be sent to you by email.
Please let us know if any of your details have changed so we can update the database.

Membership Secretary Contact Form Below.
