
You must be, you opened the tab so read on.

We Need Your Help!

Can you stop the clock?

The countdown marker below is counting down the time before we may have to dissolve the Epsom and Ewell u3a.

-13Days -1Hours -5Minutes -18Seconds

What!! I hear you shout, that cannot happen. What can I do to stop this disaster.

For a start, don’t panic. You can help, we have two of our trustees (committee members) leaving office on the 7th October 2024. The positions are Chair, and Membership Secretary. These positions are essential for the survival of our u3a, we cannot run without these post being filled.

We are looking for members who have imagination, like a challenge, people who can work together with other committee members. Sharing ideas, making things happen for the benefit of all our members. People who can help take our u3a on its next adventure. It’s three years of your life or three years that can make a difference in your life.

We also need a Publicity Officer and Speaker Liaison

If you volunteer for a committee role you will not be alone, you will be nurtured, looked after and supported as you grow in confidence.

If being a member of our u3a is the best thing you have done since you retired or left full time employment  then step up to the plate, get involved, be part of a friendly dynamic team. At the end of your term in office you can look back, smile and say I did that.

Well, are you brave enough to stop the clock

Who do we need


What does the chair’s role involve?

As with all roles within our committee, there is a bare minimum. The chair would need to attend the bi-monthly committee meetings. The chair’s role here is to keep everyone on topic and encourage other committee members to express their views and ideas. The success of our committee and therefore our u3a is that the committee works as a team helping each other, supporting each other, and taking ownership of certain tasks, in doing so sharing the load.

The chair may feel that it is appropriate to produce a report for the meeting to clarify how our u3a is progressing and put forward any ideas or changes the chair feels may benefit our u3a in the future.

There are other meetings (held on Zoom) outside of our u3a but within the movement that the chair may want to attend. Although this is not compulsory, the chair may find it beneficial to know what is going on in the greater movement.

Planning the AGM is also something the chair, along with the Business Secretary and treasurer will need to be involved with. For the new chair, this will involve producing an annual report about past activities and future plans. The chair is also required to chair the AGM with the rest of the committee which is held at Bourne Hall. General IT skills are important, things like Word and Excel along with email skills are generally all that is required.

It is also desirable, but not essential, that the chair attends our monthly speaker event, and handles the announcements and notices. This may be something that a new chair would not be comfortable with, in which case the announcements could delegated. Being at the meeting is more about networking, and keeping in touch with the members. Putting a name to a face and a friendly ear to concerns.

This is basically the role of the chair, of course, it can be vastly expanded by the individual depending on the skills of the person covering the role and how much they wish to put into it in terms of time and effort.

The most important thing to remember is that the new chair will not be alone. There is a wealth of experience within the existing committee, with backup and advice whenever required from the outgoing chair.

The question is, do you like being part of a team, do you like to be in an environment that is happy and progressive, can you offer leadership without contention? If you can, then why not give it a go, give a little back, and be the better person for it.  

A message from Tony.

If you have the vision and commitment and are not held back by change or challenge, as our chair, you could take our u3a on its next journey. Build on what so many ordinary members just like me, have achieved for nearly 40 years. If you have that vision and can stay true to it, if you are brave or foolish enough to take up the baton. Then step up to the plate, give something back to a movement that has supported and entertained you, and will continue to do for as long as it has value to our membership.

As a member for members’ organisation you will not be on your own; the member who will become chair after me will have the full support of their fellow committee members as part of a team. For three years of your life you could really start to Learn Laugh and Live.  So come on give it try it please don’t let it die.

Speaker Liaison Team – (two or Three members)

Ever thought of producing a live stage event? Then this may be just the creative role for you.

Unleash your hidden talents and join our speaker and Bourne Hall liaison team; a small group designed to spearhead our monthly speaker events.

This is a varied role with something for everyone:

  • Search for and book our monthly speakers to provide a diverse range of topics with something for all our members.
  • Coordinate with speakers to ensure that their needs are met and that we can successfully stage our speaker event on the day.
  • Produce a PowerPoint slide presentation to be shown before our talks with the aim of informing our audience of forthcoming events associated with our u3a.
  • Arrange bookings and coordinate our needs with Bourne Hall staff.
  • Provide technical support on the day to deliver a seamless presentation including the control of video, lighting and audio. Mostly this involves a standard setup with the occasional quirk when a speaker has his own special requirements.

So, if you think you could undertake some or all of this role, or indeed assist with any of the activities above, then this could be for you.

Let us know what you are interested in by completing the form below, or maybe drop an email to for more information.

Important Note:

For those members who may consider a committee role, full back up and support will be given at all times by the rest of the committee.

Please complete the form below to register your interest in helping our committee
