The Volunteers Dilemma

I’ve read all the written calls for help and listened to the on-stage speeches. Silently I whisper, but it’s ok, don’t concern yourself, it’s not for you, you couldn’t do it anyway.

I close my screen, I shut the door, don’t fret now they’ll sort it, I’m sure. They always do, they did before.

To bed I go to rest my tired mind, they’ll sort it out, yes, they will, it’ll be fine. The morning brings another day, she could do it, he could stay. I’m sure there’s really nothing to it.  Come on now get a grip, you’ve a group to meet, a trip you haven’t booked yet.

The year goes swiftly, the clock ticks on. I’m sure somebody will come along. We get so much, me and my friends it’s silly to think that this could end. Somebody should help, somebody can, come now lend a hand.

They give so much, that faithful few. Somebody should do it, how about you? Another day another time, sorry can’t stop, I’ve things to do. Then that voice, again inside my mind, you are somebody, that somebody’s you.

Unknown author
